Burger day promotion: 30% discount

Burger day promotion: 30% discount

Posted at 22-08-2022 12:00 by Olivia Taylor

Waddap all!

Americans eat over 50!! billion burgers a year, so its only fitting we set aside a whole day for these special sandwiches. Originating in Hamburg, Germany, the hamburger as we know it was developed in Seymour, Wisconsin, a town still famous for its hamburger heroics.

As today the "iconic" hamburger isn't the only burger we can eat these days. Burger's come in all shapes, flavors and sizes. So we challenge you to try something new! Try one of these.

We think burgers are the best food ever, so we needed to dedicate this promo to burgers: as of right now until Thursday 1st of September 2022 (12:00 CET), you'll get 30% discount!

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A burger a day, keeps the doctor away!
